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Image by Filip Zrnzević

Frequently Asked Questions

Where are you located?

We currently offer both virtual telehealth and in-person sessions for your convenience. Michigan residents are able to access confidential, HIPAA-compliant video telehealth services from the comfort of their home. Telehealth appointments make it easy to access therapy from any private space in Michigan. In-person office sessions are held in Grosse Pointe, MI, and there is an option for outdoor services based on coordination with client and therapist.

Adventurous Heart Therapy, PLLC is considered an Out of Network provider.  Many insurance options will offer Out of Network (OON) reimbursement benefits. You can find out if you qualify for these benefits by contacting your insurance carrier and inquiring about Out of Network mental health coverage. We provide monthly statements (or "super bills") to clients to receive out of network reimbursement for services.

Do you take insurance?

What is adventure therapy?

Adventure therapy is a practice approach to mental health treatment that integrates kinesthetic engagement and intentional use of creating an experience to initiate change. Sometimes adventure therapy occurs outdoors, but it isn't required. By using an experience as part of the process, clients are able to practice skills, build relationships and work through triggers in real time, and then debrief and extract lessons and insights. Experiential activities in adventure therapy can be going on a hike, kayaking, playing a game or initiative for a specific purpose, or using a variety of art strategies. There are endless activities that could be thoughtfully adapted into an experience to support the client. Often times, the therapeutic relationship is established quickly due to the nature of shared experiences.

What is CCAT?

Certified Clinical Adventure Therapist (CCAT) is a credential through the Association of Experiential Education (AEE) which endorses that a therapist has the core competencies, advanced training, and experience to practice adventure therapy.  Emma Ottenhoff, LCSW, CCAT is the first and currently only therapist in Michigan with a CCAT.  More about  AEE & CCAT here:

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